Monday, May 24, 2010

May 25, 2010

Even though I have not had any major appearances lately does not meanthat I haven't been extremely busy. When we were warned about paperwork before the pageant, well....let's just say they weren't exaggerating! Paperwork, paperwork, and more paperwork! But don't get me wrong, the paperwork does have an upside. Each time I work on it, I begin to feel more and more excited about the pageant in August. I can't wait!! Also, not too long ago, I got to see my dress. It was sooooo beautiful!!! Thank you tons, Paige! I didn't want to take it off, haha. Not only do I now have my dress, but my talent costume is in the making as well! The sketches look amazing and I'm sure Kenerly Kreations will do a great job on it. I've always wanted one of their costumes!

As I continue my year as Miss Tennessee's Outstanding Teen, I am awarded many opportunities to work with my platform. This summer I will be helping the Greenfield First United Methodist Church with the Summer Food Service Program. The program offers a free lunch every single day to anyone up to the age of 18. It also gives the participants a chance to be surrounded by a positive, Christian atmosphere. It will begin on June 1st, 2010, and we would love to give as many meals as possible!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 15th, 2010

Another one of my favorite things about being Miss Tennessee's OT is getting the opportunity to work with my platform. My platform is hunger awareness. I chose this platform because of the 30 Hour Famine event my youth group had attended a couple of years ago. During a 30 Hour Famine, you go without food while completing community service work and having worship services. This enables you to understand the real effects of hunger that some children (and adults) go through every day. During this event, I learned about how much of a problem hunger really is, even in our small communities. If children do not get the nutrition they need, they are set up to fail later on in life. They cannot concentrate in school, develop behavioral problems, and develop health issues. Last Saturday, I was invited to help with the Stamp Out Hunger program at the Crockett Care Food Bank. During this event, anyone who wished to donate food to the food bank could put it in their mail boxes and the postman would pick it up. Once it reached the post office is where we came in. My granddaddy and I loaded up the goods and transported them to the actual facility. Once they reached the food bank, they were weighed and then sorted so they could be put to use. As I stayed to help sort the food with the rest of the volunteers, Granddaddy (as well as other men) went to pick up more food. In Crockett County alone, more than 500 pounds of food was donated!
After I finished helping out at the food bank, I headed to Union City to JoAnn's. Jared had asked me to help him emcee and perform at the Jr. and Miss South Fulton High School pageant. I had a great time meeting everyone who was judging while also getting to know Leah Beth Bolton more! After a few technical difficulties with my music, I performed my talent routine. I love being able to perform and show everyone the sport of baton twirling! We saw tons of beautiful girls that night and crowned two of them. Congratulations, girls! Thanks to all the parents who organized the pageant. It was great. :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3, 2010

As I've said before, appearances have to be one of my favorite things about being Miss Tennessee OT. This past Saturday was no different. Did it matter that it was pouring rain (soon to be the flood of 2010)? Did it matter that there were thunderstorms and tornado watches throughout the area? Noooo, it did not! Parades were cancelled, but not to worry, the pageant was still on. Haha. The Miss Paradise Island and Miss Tropical Princess pageants were held at Crockett County High School on Saturday, where I had been asked to emcee. After driving through many backroads because main roads were closing and running into the building in the pouring rain (ruining my curly hair and makeup, lol), I met Mrs. Danielle and Mrs. Misty. They were both so kind and did a great job hosting the pageant! The stage was beautiful, the food was great, and the whole pagaent was very organized. Thank you, CCHS FFCLA and HOSA! [Plus, huge crowns! Go Mrs. Janet!] Due to a judge cancellation, Mom had been asked to help judge. She helped make a panel of four judges. Mrs. Sherri, Mr. Steven, and Jennifer (Miss Nashville 2010) all kept me very entertained and I had a wonderful time getting to know them! Jennifer was so sweet and I wish her the best of luck in the Miss Tennessee pageant in June! :)
To help me with the pageant, I had a very special helper. The former Miss Paradise Island 6-9 yrs. queen, Caleigh Erwin, was there to present awards. She was adorable and I loved getting to know her! We even did some onstage "interviews" to kill time while the judges were making decisions. It was a wonderful pageant and even though it was pouring, we had some beautiful girls come out. Congratulations to all of the winners, and to Mrs. Janet who had several queens crowned and new royalty members! All in all, I had a fantastic day and cannot wait to do it again.
After attending last Saturday's 5K race, I have been inspired to do more than just wish I could run. Tonight, I (as well as two of my best friends, Laura and Callie Croom, because what fun is running alone?!) completed the first session of my 5K running plan. To be quite honest, I was dreading it because even though I work out and twirl daily, running has never come easily to me. After running/jogging 2.5 miles, I felt completely exhilirated. It was a huge surprise, and I was very happy, ha. Now, I am definately beginning to understand what people mean when they say they love to run. We will run again tomorrow night and I can't wait! :)