Even though I have not had any major appearances lately does not meanthat I haven't been extremely busy. When we were warned about paperwork before the pageant, well....let's just say they weren't exaggerating! Paperwork, paperwork, and more paperwork! But don't get me wrong, the paperwork does have an upside. Each time I work on it, I begin to feel more and more excited about the pageant in August. I can't wait!! Also, not too long ago, I got to see my dress. It was sooooo beautiful!!! Thank you tons, Paige! I didn't want to take it off, haha. Not only do I now have my dress, but my talent costume is in the making as well! The sketches look amazing and I'm sure Kenerly Kreations will do a great job on it. I've always wanted one of their costumes!
As I continue my year as Miss Tennessee's Outstanding Teen, I am awarded many opportunities to work with my platform. This summer I will be helping the Greenfield First United Methodist Church with the Summer Food Service Program. The program offers a free lunch every single day to anyone up to the age of 18. It also gives the participants a chance to be surrounded by a positive, Christian atmosphere. It will begin on June 1st, 2010, and we would love to give as many meals as possible!